20 October 2015

World Statistics Day: Better data, Better lives

@ UNICEF Mongolia/2013

Today is World statistics day. This day was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2010 to recognize the central role of statistics for development and their importance in shaping our societies. With the recent adoption of Sustainable Development Agenda by countries, reliable and timely statistics and indicators have become more important than ever. For that reason, World Statistics Day this year is being observed under the theme “Better data, better lives.”

16 October 2015

Biker doctors: Ensuring nomadic families don’t miss out health care

@ UNICEF Mongolia /2015
Earlier this year three-year-old Bat-Ireedui needed to see a doctor urgently. “My son got sick and his legs became paralysed,” his father Bayardalai explains. “We called the bagh doctor, he came to our home straight away, examined Bat- Ireedui and took him to Murun for further medical assistance.”

13 October 2015

Disaster risk reduction: Working towards more resilient Mongolia

@ UNICEF/2010/Andrew Cullen

Every year on October 15 we celebrate the International Day for Disaster Reduction (IDDR) worldwide. On this day we are reminded and encouraged that every citizen and government to take part in building more disaster resilient communities and nations.

09 October 2015

Adolescents need more mental health services

Bayarmaa* is 15 years old and having a tough time being an adolescent in rural Mongolia. While she has many friends and is doing well in school, Bayarmaa faces a lot of peer pressure from friends, unwanted sexual attention and pressure from boys and family violence at home.

07 October 2015

Шинэ хичээлийн жил, шинэ ариун цэврийн байгууламж

Далайбаяр хүрэл медалтайгаа
@НҮБ-ын Хүүхдийн сан/Монгол/Санжааханд

12 настай Далайбаяр хүү найз нартайгаа сагсан бөмбөг, гар бөмбөг тоглох дуртай. Тэр жаахан байхаасаа спортод дуртай бөгөөд спортын алдартай од болохыг хүсдэг байлаа.

05 October 2015

Mobile kindergartens – best learning place for herders’ children

Otgonsuren drawing with colored pencils
©UNICEF Mongolia/2015/Tsendsuren Tumee
“My favorite toy is a car!” cheerfully says 4 year-old Otgonsuren.  “We have so many toys to play with, but I like painting and drawing the most”. Taking a pencil from stack of colored pencils, he starts drawing. Otgonsuren started kindergarten only this summer, and he has been enjoying the new experience. “I really like my kindergarten” he says.