19 December 2014

Аавын бэлтгэсэн эрүүл хоол

Эрдэнэбат бичил тэжээлийн холимогоор баяжуулсан шөл бэлтгэж 
байгаа нь © НҮБХСМонгол/2014/ Магвандоржийн Бямбарагчаа

Эрдэнэбат 26 настай бөгөөд  зуухаа тойрон баяжуулан агшаасан будааны шөлийг өөрийн гараар хичээнгүйлэн хийж байна. Тэрээр хоолоо хийж дуусмагц, өрөөнд буй бусад таван эцэгт хандан өөрийн хийсэн хоолны илчлэгийн талаар ярьж өглөө.

15 December 2014

Helping children turn their lives around

A child in need of protection ©UNICEF/MGLA2007-00005/Holmes

When Bat (not his real name) was 14, he would run away from home a lot. Sometimes for a day, sometimes for longer. His older brothers would look for him and when they found him would bring him home and often beat him.

12 December 2014

Нандиагийн охины эрүүл амьдралын эхлэл

Фото зураг: Нандиа охины хамт
M. Булгансор охин эхийнхээ өвөр дээр эрхлэн тоглож байна. Охиноо инээж хөхрөх бүрд Д.Нандинцэцэг (Нандиа, 19 настай) нь түүнийг энхрийлэн харж, инээмсэглэж байлаа.  Булгансор бол аз жаргалтай, эрүүл энх өсөн торниж буй 7 сартай охин юм. Тэрээр эрүүл саруул бойжиж, өдрөөс өдөрт өсөж том болж байна. Түүний ээж Нандиа их сургуулийн оюутан ба охиноо төрүүлснээс хойш 6 сарын турш зөвхөн өөрийн хөхний сүүгээр хооллож байгаа учраас эрүүл гэдэгт итгэлтэй байдаг.

08 December 2014

Riding a reindeer to school

Ulzichimeg is catching up on homework in her 
dormitory ©UNICEF/2014/Zetty Brake

Ulzichimeg is a small girl with hair so long that looks like it has never been cut. When school started on September 1st, Ulzichimeg joined her two older sisters at the local soum school a full day’s travel away from her family by reindeer.

05 December 2014

The Taiga path that leads to mobile kindergarten

This documentary shows a UNICEF supported a kindergarten in the Tsaatan community providing early childhood education to 25 children from one of the most remote areas of Mongolia. Every day parents ride their reindeers up to 1.5 hours to drop their children off at the kindergarten.

03 December 2014

Supporting children with disabilities

Oyun-Erdene has a disability. She smiles as her older brother Baljinnyam picks her up and 
carries  her on his back ©UNICEF/NYHQ2012-1781/Sokol

Today is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This day aims to promote an understanding of people with disabilities and encourages support for their dignity, rights and well-being. People with disabilities face discrimination on a daily basis. Their abilities and capacities are overlooked. They miss out on vital health care and education and are often excluded from society. This is also true for children with disabilities.

01 December 2014

Fighting HIV/AIDS in Mongolia

Today is World AIDS day. Around the world there are 35 million people living with HIV and another 19 million who are unaware of their status. Since the 1980s much progress has been made in the fight against HIV/AIDS. One such achievement is that 1.1 million new infections among children were prevented between 2005 and 2013.